Time Line of the Bible
“In the beginning . . .”
4026 B.C.E. Adam’s creation
3096 B.C.E. Death of Adam
2370 B.C.E. Floodwaters fall
2018 B.C.E. Abraham born
1943 B.C.E. Abrahamic covenant
1750 B.C.E. Joseph sold as a slave
before 1613 B.C.E. Job’s trial
1513 B.C.E. Exodus from Egypt
1473 B.C.E. Israel enters Canaan under Joshua
1467 B.C.E. Major conquest of Canaan completed
1117 B.C.E. Saul anointed as king
1070 B.C.E. God makes Kingdom promise to David
1037 B.C.E. Solomon becomes king
1027 B.C.E. Temple in Jerusalem completed
circa 1020 B.C.E. Song of Solomon completed
997 B.C.E. Israel is divided into two kingdoms
circa 717 B.C.E. Compiling of Proverbs completed
607 B.C.E. Jerusalem destroyed; exile in Babylon begins
539 B.C.E. Babylon falls to the conqueror Cyrus
537 B.C.E. Jewish exiles return to Jerusalem
455 B.C.E. Jerusalem’s walls rebuilt; 69 weeks of years begin
After 443 B.C.E. Malachi completes his prophetic book
circa 2 B.C.E. Birth of Jesus
29 C.E. Jesus is baptized and
begins to preach about God’s Kingdom -
31 C.E. Jesus chooses his 12 apostles; delivers Sermon on the Mount
32 C.E. Jesus resurrects Lazarus
Nisan 14, 33 C.E. Jesus is impaled (Nisan corresponds to part of March and part of April)
Nisan 16, 33 C.E. Jesus is resurrected
Sivan 6, 33 C.E. Pentecost; outpouring of holy spirit (Sivan corresponds to part of May and part of June)
36 C.E. Cornelius becomes a Christian
circa 47-48 C.E. Paul’s first preaching tour
circa 49-52 C.E. Paul’s second preaching tour
circa 52-56 C.E. Paul’s third preaching tour
circa 60-61 C.E. Paul writes letters while imprisoned in Rome
before 62 C.E. Jesus’ half brother James writes his letter
66 C.E. Jews revolt against Rome
70 C.E. Jerusalem and its temple destroyed by the Romans
circa 96 C.E. John writes Revelation
circa 100 C.E. Death of John, the last of the apostles